Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Inner Nerd is Doing Back Flips!

I wish I could say I came up with the catchy title of this post, but sadly, I only stole it from the person sitting next to me in the Evernote session at UCET.

It was SO hard to get up early on a Saturday morning and go.  But I can gladly say it was completely worth it!  I planned ahead and got a ticket to the 3 hour session on Evernote.  I didn't know at the time, that it was being presented by this afternoon's keynote speaker: Leslie Fisher.  Leslie is a total blast.  She is quick witted and fun and she knows all this cool tech stuff!!!  She joked about knowing her can be expensive, I can see why....there's all this stuff I want to buy now.  :)  One of my favorite little things she said was she kept referring to Internet Explorer as Internet Exploder.  :)  Oh, and I learned a lot about Evernote, too.  :)

After the long session, I got some lunch, and then headed to a short presentation on what to do with just one iPad in the classroom.  It was very good, but I think I was hitting information overload.  At some point, I intend to blog some of the best things I learned, but for right now, it's all muddled up in my brain.

If I hadn't enjoyed Leslie Fisher so much during the Evernote class, I  might have skipped out on the closing keynote.  It is Saturday after all, but she was so great I had to go.  I'm so glad I did.  We had fun with twitter and a bunch of other really cool stuff (most of which I can't remember--thankfully it's all on evernote.)  

Things slowly wound down and they had a whole bunch of prizes to give away.  It took what felt like forever.  Of course, I really wanted to win some great techy prize, so I hung around.  Finally, they got to the end--the grand prizes--two iPad minis.  They call the first name.  No one cheers or goes forward.  They call the second name.  Much cheering and screaming and the lucky winner went to get the prize.  They started to ask if anyone from the first person's school was there....there was much grumbling about being present to win.  So they drew one more last name.  ME!!!  Yes!  I won an iPad mini!!!!  I still can't quite believe it.  Of course, they mispronounced my name, but hey!  iPad mini here!!!  :) 

I'll try to get a post or two put together to share some of the wonderful things I learned soon.  



  1. Hey! Leslie Fisher was at FETC (Florida Education Technology Conference) too. I loved her! She has a great sense of humor, her sessions are fast paced, informative and entertaining! Glad you enjoyed her as well and are learning so much at UCET!
    Sent From My iPad

  2. Congratulations! Now that's definitely a great door prize!


    1. Thanks! I can't wait to take it to school on Monday!

  3. Nikki, thanks for your comments! I'm glad you got to see Leslie too. I think I could sit and learn from her all day.It sounds like FETC is the Florida equivalent of UCET.


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