Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Emergency Sub Plans

The words that strike fear into my heart!  Usually I write up sub plans when I know I will be gone.  These are plans for when I don't know in advance or can't go in and set things up before school.  Yes, I have been known to go in at 7:00 a.m. sick as a dog to get things ready for a sub.

We are required to have emergency sub plans ready to go.  I finally got around to creating mine.  You will find them here: Emergency Sub Plans

If you see anything obvious that I missed, please comment below.  I'm tired and I've spent hours working on this, which means there are probably errors involved.



  1. Wow, so detailed!! Great work! The only thing I got confused with that may have been a typo was the attention signal on the last page:

    Attention signal: You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, but I use the attention signal

    class/yes. You say class, the teacher says yes and pays attention.

    Should "the teacher" be "students" or am I just not getting it?

    I think it's great how you laid everything out.

  2. Thanks, Jennie. It is the students say yes. I'll go change my editable copy.

  3. You are just amazing. I've been racking my brain on what to do for emergency sub plans. I'm glad you shared yours. Now I have an idea on what I should do. Have I mentioned lately, how nice it is to work with such a totally terrific teacher!

  4. Christine, if you want my original so you can just edit it, you know you're welcome to it. I still don't have worksheets made or a folder produced or anything, so I guess I better not have any emergencies!



I love comments...they make me feel like I'm not talking to myself.