Thursday, January 24, 2013

Place Value Fun

Hi all,

I needed to meet with my title 1 aide for a few minutes today during the time we normally have small groups for math.  We are nearing the test on general place value, so I wanted a little review.  So, at the last minute yesterday I created a form--a very simple form made on a table in word.  It had lots and lots of spaces for work. It was my hope it would keep the kids busy enough so we could talk for a few minutes and the kids would be engaged in something besides our discussion.  It worked!

So, the assignment worked out like this:  Each child was given a double die with numbers 0-9.  If you don't have these, run, don't walk to the nearest teacher supply store!  The big die's number told them how many tens to build, the small die inside told them how many ones to build.  They'd shake the dice, draw the number, then write the number.  I was surprised at how much they liked this.  And some even finished all of it!

In the future, I will use this as the first step in another game.  They'll work in pairs, roll the dice.  Each person will build their number.  Then the one with the greatest number wins that round.  Then we'll play the one with the least number wins.  Finally, I put in a spinner to determine the winner, so after they determine their numbers, they'll spin to see if the winner is the number which is greater or less.

Here's some pictures of some of the kids' work.
This little guy just finished and I asked him to leave the dice there so you could see what it looks like. 8 on the big die, 1 on the little die inside.  So he drew 8 tens and 1 one.  :)
I love it when they understand that 0 tens and 3 ones = 3 not 03.  :)
So, that's the preliminary game.  I'll try and get back with more pictures once we expand upon it.
The last picture here is of the popcorn adjective bulletin board from the popcorn activity from Babbling Abby we did.  I just  never got around to posting it.  It's hard to see, but each popcorn kernel has an adjective written on it.

That's it for now!  I hope things are going well out there in internet world!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ahhhh, well rested at last!

Hi all,

It seems that lately I've just been going full tilt.  I was also stressing out.  So, this three day weekend came at a very good time!  I decided on Friday that I needed a break.  So, I left all my school work at school!  I have spent time sleeping and reading and watching TV.  I watched my cat go crazy over her new catnip toy.  I even *gasp* got bored!  No worries, it didn't last long.

So now I find myself well-rested and ready to go back to work.  I'm excited to see my kids and start moving forward again.  The big goal is to hang onto this refreshed energy and enthusiasm.

We'll see if I manage to get some pictures this week.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Hi all,

We are working on our weather unit and I needed a word wall.  I've been scrambling lately, and haven't had much time.  So, out of desperation (and lack of time) I came up with the brilliant idea (that many of you probably already figured out) of having the students create the cards for the word wall.

We brainstormed for weather words.  I helped them with spelling.  Then each child got a word and an index card.  They needed to write the word and illustrate it.  These were placed up on the science word wall.  We also have a word list that we'll continue to add words to.  So here's my completely student-made beginning of my science wall.

The kids are already using it more than our other word walls, probably because they made the cards.

Popcorn Fun!

Tomorrow (if we don't have a snow day) we'll be doing the fabulous Poppin' Out Adjectives activity by Babbling Abby.  I did this last year and it was a great success!  I can't wait to watch the kids have such a fun time describing the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings evoked by popcorn.  

End of Term

Our term ends on next Thursday.  Our teacher work day has become a day of training, so I have to somehow get all that stuff done before and after school.  That said, I might not be posting much until I recover from all that.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Melting snowmen

Hi all,

This week I did have us try out the melting snowman picture I found on pinterest.  Here's how they turned out.  The only thing I did for them was give them a blackline of the glasses, the rest is all first grade work.

I was very happy with how well the kids did with not a lot of direction from me.


We are having an inversion here.  That means cold and polluted air is trapped in the valley.  This is causing us to have inside recess every day.  Ugh.  I'm also suffering from sinus problems, as I usually do when it gets like this.  I'm starting my weather unit this week, and it would be nice if we had something besides an inversion to learn about.